4a edició CERTAMEN MARE 2023
Presentem les imatges guanyadores de la cuarta edició del Certamen MARE. Del 15 de maig al 15 de setembre del 2023, es van presentar fotografies digitals relacionades amb la mar Balear procedents de quatre perfils de participació: Adulta Expert, Adulta Amateur i Juvenil.
Adrià Mas Escandell
Lluna Mas Escandell
Juan Sans Tous
Durant la quarta edició del Certamen MARE, es van presentar 1.200 fotografies realitzades els últims deu anys al mar Balear i Mediterrani. El jurat va seleccionar 22 fotografies guanyadores seguint criteris de qualitat fotogràfica, originalitat, fidelitat amb la realitat i capacitat de connectar amb el gran públic.
· Tres perfils de participació: JUVENIL, AMATEUR i EXPERTS.
· Sis categories: 1.MARE Animalia; 2.MARE Botànica; 3.MARE Sapiens; 4.MARE Denuntiare; 5.MARE Nostrum i 6.MARE POPULARIS (Nou premi del Públic!).
· Dues mencions d'Honor: 1. Menció d'Honor Àrees Marines Protegides; 2. Menció d'Honor Elasmobranquis (taurons i ratjades).
10.000 € repartits entre 20 premis —dotació econòmica per a la participació Adulta i material subaquàtic per a la participació Jove.
Irene Sala va ser la persona encarregada de lliurar els 30 premis de la 4a edició de MARE. La gala es va retransmetre al novembre 2023 des de la nova Estació Marítima Botafoc (Eivissa).
Aspiraven a premis més de 1.200 peces d’un total de 140 participants de 23 nacionalitats diferents.
Membres del Jurat
Pep Bonet
Carlos Minguell is a professional photographer specialized in Underwater Nature. He has photographed in many of the best diving destinations in the world and his images and graphic reports have been published in more than 50 international magazines. He has won more than 100 awards in underwater photography, including 3 World Championships, 1 World Cup and 11 Spanish Championships. He teaches courses, workshops and lectures on photosub regularly, is technical director of the Open Fotosub of El Hierro since 1998 and owner of the company dedicated to underwater photography Ocean Photos, S.L.U. (ocean-photos.es).
Debora Morrison
Nuria Marbà is a CSIC Research Professor at the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies (UIB-CSIC) where she researches several aspects of marine vegetation ecology, including its functions, especially those related to climate change (CO₂ capture and coastal protection), as well as its resilience and recovery capacity in the face of pressures. Its research contributes to providing a scientific basis for defining marine ecosystem conservation policies. It conducts research in the Mediterranean Sea, other temperate regions in both hemispheres, the tropics and the Arctic.
Rafael Fernández Caballero
Jean Marie del Moral (1952) has portrayed the most important artists of the second half of the 20th century (from Joan Miró to Ai Weiwei) with an interest in portraiture and studios as "mental space". "I portray artist's studios as if they were landscapes and landscapes as if they were an artist's studio". His work has been published in leading international magazines and publishers. Museums and Art Foundations have exhibited his photographs, which form part of public and private collections. He lives in Mallorca.