29 may. - 29 may. 10:00 -15:00

Photography Competition- Soller

29 May - Club Náutic de Sóller is organising a photography competition with the aim of learning about and valuing the ecosystem and fauna of the nearby waters.


Registrations may be made until 23rd May at 13.00 h, by sending confirmation to the e-mail address canbisbal@hotmail.com with the details, telephone number and ID of the photographer and accompanying person.

On the day of the competition it is essential to present a valid ID card, insurance with diving licence or federative licence. The dive sites will be announced the day before the competition starts and will be divided into two marked areas A and B.

Boats will be provided.

The cost to participate is 25€ per person excluding equipment.

You have to bring: Everything you need according to the rules.

Read all the rules at: http://www.clubnauticsoller.es/ 

For more information: canbisbal@hotmail.com